
Client Testimonial

AscendX - Chief Financial Officer

- Ufuk Civilo

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Oliver Dunne (OD): What made you choose a specialist recruiter for this piece of recruitment? Did it save you time/money? Did you need specialist expertise? Why are you looking for a head-hunter with Network Exposure?

Ufuk: Civilo (UC): This was a key hire for us, so we wanted to make sure we found the right pool of candidates. We needed to do that without spending too much time because we had a couple of other important work streams and it was a small team. So it was really about getting the best candidates at the shortest amount of time and effort.  


I think the profiles Camino Search shared were much better than the other companies we had initially approached and the resumes and experience sections were quite detailed. We decided to continue discussions only with you.

I think Camino Search took the time to get a really good understanding of what we do. I think you picked the right candidate for that short list and I think that [Camino Search’s] sector expertise is key here.  


I think Camino Search took the time to get a really good understanding of what we do. I think you picked the right candidate for that short list and I think that [Camino Search’s] sector expertise is key here.  


OD: Why would you recommend Camino Search? Is it quality of service, market knowledge, quality of engagement and experience? 


UC: I think all three. But I think if you want me to rank it, I think the quality of service and market knowledge are top two. The quality of engagement experience, obviously it’s important, but I think the first two are much, much more, important for us, for that decision." 


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